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New Zealand First Aid Certificate

Including everything in the Foundation first aid certificate plus how to manage multiple people in an emergency situation, over an extended period of time.

Extra topics and assessments include: chemical burns, electrical burns, gunshot, impalement, stabbing, crush injuries, amputations, head injuries, suspected spinal injuries, internal injuries; severe allergic reaction, cold emergency, heat emergency

This is the Industry recommended workplace first aid certificate

Add to the knowledge and skills of the Foundation

This is for people who may be required to manage an emergency situation over a prolonged period of time, at work or in the community.

12 hours face-to-face over 1.5 days learning and assessment.

NZQA unit standards:

  • 6402 Provide basic life support
  • 6401 Provide first aid.
  • 6400 Manage first aid in an emergency situation